
Blessed are they that hast not seen, and yet believed.

This week was my favorite. But, I am quite certain that every week here at the CE CE EME is my favorite. This place is camp. I love it so much and I am sad that my time here is ALMOST up. Lucky for me, I get another week before I get to be a "real" missionary. On Friday, Hermano Sangers, wrote a letter and gave each of us a pass along card that reminded him of us. This is what he wrote to me. " Sister Fastle is a disciple of extreme faith and patience. Being a missionary isn't easy, but you would never know if you met Sister Fastle. She posses a gift to be patient as she learns and is determined to stay the course until she has done all she can do. The picture of Mary praying with the child Jesus reminds me of the patience and love that Sister Fastle posses in order to truly become the son and daughter of God" It meant so much to me.
 Easter was so special here at the MTC. Yesterday was the best day of all. It started by waiting for an hour, sitting on the floor of 18M for the special sacrament meeting. We had heard all week that a  General Authority was coming, but we had no idea who it would be. Elder Stoneman told me it was Holland. I cried. You do not joke about Holland. It ended up being Bishop Cosse( this name is french) His message was so sweet. He spoke of the conversation he had with Thomas after his resurrection. He was not with the disciples when Jesus first came and Thomas did not believe until " I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger in into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe" ( John 20:25) 8 days later, Jesus visited the disciples and Thomas was with them. Jesus tells Thomas to "Reach hither thy fingers, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand and trust into thy side and be not faithless, but believing" Thomas does and says " My Lord and my God" "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that hast not seen, and yet believed. (john 20:29) His message was that we need to strengthen our testimony of Christ.
Our district sang " A child's prayer" during fast and testimony meeting. The spirit was so strong. President Peer aka P-dawg cried. I love my district so much. We had the departure devotional. President Mcnally said that we were going to be somebody's missionary. Sunday night devotional was given by Sheri Dew. She said that the savior was not our last chance, but our only chance. He is the answer to ALL of our problems.
Easter is my favorite Holiday. It was hard being away from my family, but I know that the best way to show my love for my Savior is share the message with the world that He lives.
 The church is true. The book is blue. All is well
 Hermana Fastle

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